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4 Package Designs, 2 Instagram Ads, Bus Stop Ad, Magazine Ad, Event Design
Morphe is a makeup brand that focuses on defining yourself and expressing your artistic side. They produce several types of makeup including eyeshadow, lip colors, and brushes. Fender gives creatives a way to showcase your unique talents through the art of music. They reach their consumer through producing guitars, bases, and amps.
While both Morphe and Fender have different target demographics, their shared audience would benefit both brands greatly. Introducing consumers to a new genre of expression, this campaign looks to create a collaboration for the ages. Designing content and event spaces to define a new generation of makeup and music lovers.

Art Director, Graphic Design, Package Design, Online + Offline Ad Design, Event Design

Phase 1 : MAkeup Collaboration
Package Design
To introduce this new collaboration the brands would design and produce makeup pallets based around popular guitar styles and corresponding music genres. These pallets would be a jumping point for people who are fans of both categories to interact with their favorite brands and spark interest around the collaboration itself. By combining each brand's most popular products the campaign taps into the surrounding market and starts the conversation for Morphe and Fender as a partnership.

Phase 2 : Pre-Launch Content
Instagram Content
Before the launch of the pallets social media would be used to create buzz surrounding the upcoming collaboration. Instagram posts would be made to tease the launch and get people talking. These posts would give just enough information to consumers to know about the partnership itself but keep curiosity at the forefront.
Phase 3 : Post-Launch Content
Instagram COntent
As the pallets launch a post will be made to promote them, as well as introduce a collaboration event sponsored by the two brands. The post would feature the pallets themselves as well as announcing the event. To keep an air of mystery details about the event will be vague, giving time for excitement to spread. As the event comes closer more information about set lists, dates, locations, and artist interactions will be given through social media alongside promotional posts for the palettes.

Phase 4 : Concert Event
Bus Stop Ad
To reach a wider audience out of home ads would be run in major cities surrounding the concert event. Bus stop or subway ads in cities, such as New York or Boston, would create a repeated interaction with the consumer and spark interest surrounding event details.
Magazine Ad
Print ads would be run in both music and fashion related magazines; tapping into the demographic who subscribe to those categories specifically. Allowing for a tangible copy of the event details will consistently remind the consumer of the event within their own homes.

Stage Design
For each different artist set the stage design would change to signal the genre of music to come. Times for different genres would be posted along with the set list prior to the event. Musicians connected with each style would preform alongside each other to allow for listeners to stay for their favorite artists.

Interactive Booth
At the concert a sponsored booth with makeup artists and selected guitars from the collaboration would be available for free. Consumers would be invited to take part and get their makeup done to match their favorite genre of music or personal aesthetic. as well each participant would be able to take photos with the guitars present in the booth and share their experience through social media. This interaction would continue to spread the collaboration within the consumer circles and promote the pallets to a wider range of people.

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